Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I tried something new. These pics were uploaded as small pics to save some uploading time (did it work? not really, still took me an hour to upload this group). Just click on any image for a larger view (that's true of any image anywhere on my blog, apparently).

I also tried to create a flickr album, but was only allowed to upload 29 pics before I ran out of my "monthly allotted" space. That's the problem with online photo albums, they only allow a few pics. My flickr is no good to me, my Webshots is totally full with only 300 pics, and I'm afraid to try Photobucket. All of them want you to buy, Buy, BUY for unlimited space, something I totally can't afford right now (AL and Orlando, FL has all my money).

Anyway, in no order whatsoever, here is the rest (and hopefully final) of Day 1. I don't have much for Day 2 or 3, so there shouldn't be as many posts of that. Besides, I posted the absolute best from Day 2 in my first CV post: George Lucas himself!! I could've gone home after that and be absolutely content (but glad I stayed for the rest of the con, and Disney, and Universal).

Boy, that's alot from Day 1. On to Day 2.
Until next time,
Jawa Jaka (still going through pics)

1 comment:

Britfest said...

Great pictures! I can not wait to see the rest! Thanks for sharing :D