Sunday, March 15, 2009

B9Greg makes a promotional Video!

My friend Greg Logue of th B9'ers put together this video to promote Starfest. I think it's too good to pass up, so check it out at or see it on the Starfest website. Great job, Greg!!!

On another note, I have a previous scheduled event the same weekend as Starfest (an RV rally already paid for). This will be my first year in the last six I'll miss it (I've been to the last five). But the R2-KT Make-A-Wish Scifi Auction will go on as planned, along with the debut of my goofy commercial "Jawa Jaka's Junkyard", during the Order of the Grey panel. So, in the best Arnold voice, "I'll be back!" Next year, definitely.

Until next time,
Jawa Jaka

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