Sunday, June 1, 2008

Foot Update

So, you think I'm talking about AL's foot hehehe. Nope, Jawa Jaka's foot (OK, mine) has another three weeks to heal before the boot cast comes off. Bummer since the Colorado Ren Faire starts in two weeks, and I always go to opening weekend. Nothing like prodding along on hilly countryside in a pirate costume with a boot cast. Sigh, I guess I'll just have to sit at the pirate's pub all day and drink since I can't do much else. Maybe I'll work on a small piece of AL at the pub. Like the center vents, or something like it...

I have about a month to get as much done on AL as possible, including all parts on the dome installed and most painting done. I'll be one of the presenters at the R2 panels at Osfest in Omaha, NE, July 11-13. The R2 Central Builders (the local Nebraska and Iowa group of the R2BC) are too excited that I'll be there with an all aluminum droid. One of the panels is on different materials to use for droid building. The other is on electronics, which I know nothing of but presenting a brief description on the Budget JEDI controller (more on that later). AL won't walk or talk at this con but I'm hoping he'll look good anyway. Maybe I'll put a bowtie on him.

In the meantime, here is a pic from the Yahoo pictures of the week showing a barn in Kansas (also on, search Colorado tornados for story, May 22nd I believe). It was the same nasty storm that demolished the town of Windsor, CO and did some serious damage in nearby Platteville. It's freaky to look out your window to see a line in the sky, bright blue stillness on one side, dark menacing fast moving monstrous clouds on the other. Yep, that's what we saw here in Aurora for three days. Kinda reminded me of the Dementors from Harry Potter coming to town. SCARY!!!

Until next time,
Jawa Jaka

1 comment:

Britfest said...

The R2-Central builders can't wait to meet you and your droid!

Love the barn picture!